Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bed Rest May Breed Creativity!

My modest bedroom...ha!www.donnaakers.com
Due to enforced bed rest for a minor strolling consumption case (sounds better than walking pneumonia, don't you think?), I've had plenty of time just sitting in bed. I mean really sitting up in my bed, propped up and feeling crappy but my brain is whirring along, trapped in this invalid body of mine. Quickly, I conquered back log of magazine...O, Health, Self, More, and others, but my mind was still busy mind. Actually, it always is busy even when sleeping as I dream in detail and color (I think).

So, sitting here on my lazy bum, I've started exploring the pleasures of social media marketing for my new book, Forgotten Tales of Abingdon Virginia and the Holston River Valley. I've enjoyed taking this time to explore and try different techniques on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and that's about it, so far. My funniest experience is posting to my personal FB page Donna Gayle Akers, and also to my writing FB page, Donna Akers, and trying to remember which voice to write in.

In more robust shape and health...
 For instance, on my buz FB, I must appear professional, refrain from cursing, be politically correct, be polite, be positive, gracious and charming...and it gets old after awhile. My personal page is much more fun so far, but this is an alternative for those who'd prefer the professional writer Donna and not the kooky, blonde Lucy who's living fiercely post divorce just to write a novel. And it's all fodder, so beware!

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